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Mouth & Night Guards

Teeth grinding, clenching, or snoring may have an impact on your oral health and be a warning sign of an adverse health condition.

Grinding can cause the following problems: 

  • Jaw Pain
  • Eroded Teeth Surfaces
  • Fractured Enamel
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Headaches

Dental appliances are often worn at night to prevent damage to the teeth. People who grind their teeth or who unintentionally bite down too hard when they sleep can cause pain and damage to their teeth.

We can custom fit a night-guard for you to help protect your teeth and resolve issues you may experience with grinding, clenching, or snoring at night.  Sleep apnea should be ruled out as a factor before snoring appliances can be made.

We can also help protect your teeth if you are involved in high-impact sports.